What to do if you think an adult is being abused

Who to contact, information to provide, safeguarding form for professionals.

If you think someone else is being abused, you must tell someone.

Call the police

If the danger is immediate, call 999.

If the danger is not immediate, call 101.

Contact the safeguarding adults team

Email SafeguardingAdultDuty@haringey.gov.uk.

Information to provide

If you can, tell us or the police:

  • why you are concerned
  • the name, age and address of the adult at risk
  • if anyone lives with them
  • if they're getting help from any organisation
  • who may be doing the abuse

Don't delay in reporting abuse if you're not sure about some of these details.

How to raise a safeguarding concern as a professional

If you wish to raise a safeguarding concern, download the safeguarding alert form . If you have any trouble completing the form, please contact the safeguarding adults team.

Contact the safeguarding adults team

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