Dockless bikes

What dockless bikes are, dockless bikes in Haringey, reporting abandoned bikes and tell us your experience.

Dockless bikes in Haringey

Dockless bikes are available for hire across Haringey, following cabinet approval of a trial scheme.

We'll run the scheme in partnership with operators Lime and Forest (formerly Human Forest), after signing agreements with both operators.

The trial started in February 2024 and will run for up to 2 years (at least 18 months).

You can find out more by visiting the:

If you have any questions about dockless bikes, please visit the frequently asked questions page on Commonplace.

You can also contact us if you have any other questions.

How dockless bikes work

Dockless bikes do not use docking stations. This means bikes can be picked up and parked anywhere (with certain exclusions – for example, because of safety).

Dockless bikes have GPS tracking so users and operators can find them. They also have electric drive to help you cycle uphill, and other features like LED headlights.

You must register with an operator online or through an app before renting a bike. Each operator has different pricing, usually based on how long a bike is rented. Some operators offer pricing incentives.

As there are no docking stations, operators manage their bikes out on the streets – for example, by collecting bikes for maintenance like battery swaps, or by moving bikes to different areas.

Regulation of dockless bikes

Currently, the private dockless bike market is not regulated, leading to complex enforcement and management. Legislation is expected to be introduced (possibly through a licensing system), with extra powers for local authorities.

Until then, local authorities are taking different approaches – for example, through contracts with operators or more informal approaches.

Using dockless bikes in Haringey

You can hire bikes using the operator’s mobile app. You'll need to create a user account to hire a bike.


You can:


You can:

Once you locate a bike, you must scan the QR code on the bike with the app to unlock the bike and begin your journey.

At the end of your journey, you must end your ride on the app. To complete this process, you may need to provide evidence, such as uploading a photo of the correctly parked bike.

Cost of using dockless bikes

Each operator has its own pricing model, including access to subscriptions. Find out more by visiting the:

Both operators also offer discounted rides and concessions. Find out more about:

Parking dockless bikes

You must park your dockless bike in marked and virtual parking bays in Haringey. If you cannot access either of these, you must park your bike in a non-obstructive way.

If you break these rules, you can be punished with a fine. If you continue to park in the wrong way, you may also be banned from using these services.

View a map of the parking locations in Haringey

Dockless bike operators provide detailed information on parking locations as well as any no-parking zones. Locations may be introduced and updated throughout Haringey during the trial.

You must consider pedestrians and other users of the highways when parking dockless bikes. This includes being careful of:

  • making enough space for other pavement users – particularly those with protected characteristics (for example, disabled people who are visually impaired or who use a wheelchair)
  • pedestrian or vehicle access and crossings (including tactile paving, shared street space and emergency exits)
  • existing parking spaces (such as loading bays and Blue Badge holder parking)

Reporting obstructive or abandoned bikes

If you want to report obstructive or abandoned bikes, you need to scan the QR code on the bike or be able to clearly identify the location of the bike you're reporting.

If you have an issue that has not been resolved by the dockless bike operator, please contact the dockless bikes team.


To report a bike, you can:

Find out more about reporting and complaints on the Lime website.


To report a bike, you can:

Find out more about reporting incorrectly parked bikes on the Forest website.

Tell us your experience

Use our dedicated Commonplace page to send us your views on the dockless bike trial and comment on parking locations in Haringey.

Contact the dockless bikes team if you'd like to share feedback about the current operators.

Contact us about dockless bikes

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