Highway enforcement

Responsibilities and duties to protect public rights.

We have a duty to protect the public rights on the streets, roads and pavements.

We aim to assist businesses and others to comply with their legal obligations without unnecessary expense or hardship. However, firm action will be taken against those who disregard the law.


As a Highway Authority, we have a duty to maintain adopted highways to safe and serviceable standards. Our staff have to protect the rights of the public to use and enjoy such highways by making sure they are free from nuisance, danger, obstructions, unlawful stopping up, interference and encroachments.

Carriageways, footways, verges and footpaths serving new developments will be adopted by us and maintained at public expense provided they have been constructed in accordance with the Authority's standards.

Highway works

As a Street Authority, we have a duty to coordinate works on the highway, including the works of statutory undertakers, in the interests of safety, public convenience, the protection of the structure of the street and the integrity of the apparatus in it.

We also have powers regarding the timing of street works and the restriction of such works within 12 months of the completion of substantial roadworks.

Our staff make sure that the requirements in the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 on legislation.gov.uk and its supporting codes of practice, including those for traffic management and reinstatements, are carried out effectively and efficiently.

Officers may deal with matters informally or formally and the action may lead to prosecution.

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