If a pavement or road is blocked without permission, it will cause an obstruction for people who are walking and driving.
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You can report obstructions on the pavement or road including:
- skips or scaffolds
- no barriers around street works or roadworks
- building materials
- advertising boards
- banners or bunting
- overhanging tree branches or overgrown hedges
- mud or debris on the road
- mixing concrete or mortar on the pavement or road
- illegal vendors and traders
- encroachment of highway boundaries – this is when people wrongly claim parts of the pavement or road as their own
If someone purposefully blocks a pavement or road without good reason or permission, they are guilty of an offence. We have legal powers to make them move the obstruction.
What we do
We will:
- visit the area within 72 hours and decide how urgent it is
- tell our contractor if work is needed on specific obstructions such as trees or hedges
- finish the work within 8 weeks, depending on the nature and urgency of the work needed