Dropped kerbs

Dropped kerbs (vehicle crossover), how to apply, costs.

Apply for a dropped kerb

Under the Highways Act 1980, you must have a dropped kerb (vehicle crossover), if you want to drive over a pavement to park in your driveway. A dropped kerb is a sloped area where the vehicle crosses from the road to the driveway.

All dropped kerbs are built by our highways maintenance team.


Complete the online application for a dropped kerb.

Start now

If you have planning permission, we will need the reference number and date.

Before you apply

Read our dropped kerb (vehicle crossover) guidance notes before making your application.


The cost of a dropped kerb depends on:

  • the building materials needed
  • modifications to traffic management orders
Estimated dropped kerb costs
Average cost of construction £2,700
Lowest cost of construction £1,550
Highest cost of construction £16,000
Engineer inspection £397

The engineer inspection may identify utilities that must be moved, for example water pipes. If this happens you must separately contact the utility company to arrange this. You will also be responsible for any charges that are incurred.

What we do

When we get your application we will:

  • send an engineer to carry out a site inspection
  • check if any utility services are in that area of pavement
  • provide you with an estimate of the cost
  • need full payment before any work can start (we may need a further deposit if extra work is needed and likely to incur further costs)

When the work has finished, if the costs are:

  • greater than the estimate you will be invoiced for the extra amount
  • less than the estimate you will be refunded the overpayment

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