Cycle security

Part of: Cycling in Haringey

There are things you can do to keep your bike safe and secure. 

Know your frame number

Write down your bike’s ‘frame number’ – also known as the serial number. This can help police recover your bike if it's stolen.

You’ll usually find the frame number on the bottom bracket of the frame – get help finding your frame number on the Bike Index website.

Register your bike 

You can register your bike’s model, make and frame number on the BikeRegister website.

Registering your bike can help the police return it to you if it’s stolen and recovered. 

Our Smarter Travel team and the police run bike security marking events – find out more about Smarter Travel events.

Locking your bike

Before buying a new lock, check the Sold Secure website to find out which locks are the most secure.

To protect your bike from theft:

  • use 2 locks
  • always lock both wheels and the frame to the stand 
  • leave your bike where people can see it or in a well-lit area covered by CCTV 

There are more bike security tips on Transport for London's page about avoiding bike thefts.

You can find out more about protecting your bike from theft on the Met Police website

Get insurance 

Check if your home insurance already covers your bike when it’s away from your home. You should also make sure that the total value of your bike is covered. 

Don’t buy a stolen second-hand bike

When you buy a second-hand bike:

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