Special educational needs and/or disabilities

All pages relating to special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Monday Open Access

Our adventure playground is open on Mondays from 3:30 to 6pm. This session is aimed at older children. And it's free!

Dress for the weather as this is an outdoor session. We have big play structures with slides, swings, climbing frames, a zip wire, and bonfire pit. Children and young people over 8 years of age are welcome to come independently.


Free Event

Pricing details


Call our Reception (Open 9:30am to 5pm weekdays) 0208 800 4134

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Saturday Open Access

Our amazing adventure playground is open on Saturdays from 11am to 3pm. The playground is open come rain or shine for inclusive drop-ins for the whole community.

With a zooming zip wire, super swings and our enourmous play structure, it is a great place to let your imagination run wild and have an adventure!

The session is aimed at children or young people up to 16 years old. Children under 8 years old need to come with an adult parent/carer.


Free Event

Under Fives Stay and Play at Markfield

Our Under Fives stay & play sessions run from 12 to 2.30pm on Thursdays during the school term.

Sessions are inclusive for both disabled and non-disabled children.

Creative, educational and fun, including: messy play, singing and signing, yoga, lots of toys and activities. We play indoors and outdoors, at the soft play area and at the adventure playground.


Free Event

Pricing details

£3 suggested donation per family

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Supported Internships at Whittington Hospital information event

Supported Internship Open Event at Whittington Hospital with DFN Project Search and Ambitious College.

Come join us for an exciting Supported Internship Information Event at the Whittington Hospital!

Are you aged 16-25 with an Education Health and Care Plan? Are you looking to move into employment? This in-person event is the perfect opportunity to explore the internship opportunities available at Whittington Hospital. Discover how DFN Project Search can help you gain valuable work experience, develop new skills, and boost your confidence.

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Textile / crafts with Eliot – for autistic adults

Are you an autistic adult looking for a creative and welcoming space to express yourself?

We invite you to join our craft sessions, where you can explore a variety of activities including:

  • tapestry
  • sewing
  • punch stitching
  • card making and more!

Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or just starting out, our sessions are designed to be inclusive and supportive.

Come and enjoy a relaxed environment where you can create, socialise and have fun!



Walk and Talk in Down Lane Park – for SEND parents and carers

This is a great way to meet fellow parents and carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)!

We'll go for a gentle walk around the park and then visit a cafe (our treat).

Let's meet at 11.30am outside Living Under One Sun Cafe, N17 9EX – inside the park by the courts.

Please let us know if you have any access requirements – email hello@sendpowerinharingey.org

If you're running late, call Lizzy: 07871 729 863.

Monday 3 March 2025, 11.30am.

Walk and Talk in Markfield Park – for SEND parents and carers

This is a great way to meet fellow mums, dads, and carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)!

We'll go for a gentle 30 minute walk around the park (and if everyone feels comfortable, we could also walk along the canal).

Afterwards we'll visit the cafe, our treat.

Meet at 11.30am outside Markfield Community Centre, N15 4RB – inside the park.

Walk and Talk in Chestnuts Park – for SEND parents and carers

This is a great way to meet fellow mums, dads, and carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

We'll go for a gentle 30-minute walk and then visit the cafe (our treat).

Meet at 11.30am outside Chestnuts Community Centre (inside the park).

Please let us know if you have any access requirements - email: hello@sendpowerinharingey.org

Running late? No worries! Call Grace 07549 023 657 or Lizzy 07871 729 863.

Monday 13 January 2025, 11.30am.

Inclusive SEND Fitness Class 16+

The class if for anyone over the age of 16 with SEND who would like to get fit in a supportive environment. Sessions are led by an Autism and Disability Exercise Specialist.


Free event


Email fitforall.uk@hotmail.com for more information.


Every other Thursday, 10am to 11am, term time only


Stop motion animation workshop

Interested in joining Allan Burgoyne’s stop motion animation workshop?

Create your very own animation short video!




If you would like to join this 6-part workshop, or would like more information, please email autismhub@haringey.co.uk


Wednesday 13 November, 2pm to 4pm

Short demonstration on how it works Create a basic stop motion video experiment