Recovering your independence after a hospital stay

Part of: Returning home after hospital

The Haringey Reablement Service is a therapy-led service. If the hospital refers you to this service, you will be allocated an occupational therapist or physiotherapist. 

They will assess you in your home and work with you on a program to aid your recovery and confidence. This will include daily tasks like Washing and Dressing, Indoor and outdoor mobility, getting confident on the stair, preparing a meal for yourself, and other normal activities where you may feel less able than you were before.

Find out more about getting back your independence.

Discharge to assess

Discharge to assess (D2A) means funding and supporting you to leave the hospital, when safe and appropriate to do so. We will continue your care and assessment out of the hospital. You can then be assessed for your longer-term needs at home.

In the past, a lot of life-affecting decisions were made in the hospital. People had not fully recovered their strength and abilities following an illness. Many patients were seen as less able than they could be with the right support and recovery. Long-term decisions were made at a time of crisis or before full recovery.

By taking you home under Discharge to assess, we ensure that you get the full chance to recover. Sometimes you may go to a residential care home for a couple of weeks. This allows you the opportunity to convalesce to better health before deciding to change where you will live, or how much care you need in the long term.

Once you have left the hospital, we come and assess you rapidly at home and work with you with the help of the Reablement Team to make sure you get the most independence possible. Then we make an enduring decision about what your needs are for the long-term future.

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