How to get a direct payment

To determine if you are entitled to receive a direct payment, we must complete an assessment to confirm whether you have eligible needs.

We can give you your own personal budget. This gives you greater choice and control over your life. You can make your own decisions over how your care is delivered.

Step 1: Eligible care needs (assessment)

care needs assessment works out what help or support you need with your care, and how you might get it.

To find out if you are entitled to receive a direct payment, social services complete an assessment to confirm whether you are entitled to help from the council.

A financial assessment will be done to find out if you need to pay a contribution towards your care and support needs.

Step 2: Support plan

If you have eligible needs, we will draw up a support plan with you. The plan sets out what services you will get, how they will help you, when you will get them, and who will provide them.

You are entitled to see a copy of your care and support plan. The Council will make sure that you are happy with it before it is finalised.

Step 3: Personal budgets

If you have been assessed as eligible for care and support, we will tell you how much money the Council will pay towards the care and support you need. This money is called a personal budget.

Your personal budget can be paid directly to you as a direct payment, so you can arrange your own care and support, or you can choose to have it managed by the council.

You can also choose a combination of these options. For example, the council could arrange some of your care but send you the rest of the money. This is often called a mixed package.

Step 4: Setting up a direct payment

If you choose to receive a direct payment, you will be expected to sign a direct payment agreement form. This is a legal document that sets out the terms and conditions you will need to agree to when receiving a direct payment.

Contact the direct payment support team

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