Planning for an emergency

What happens if your care and support breaks down

Whatever arrangements you make, there may be times when the care support you receive breaks down. For example, your Personal Assistant may be taken ill.

You will need to make back-up arrangements to provide cover, you might arrange this with an agency. This is called contingency planning.

If your arrangements break down, you should not be left without the services you need.

If your needs are not being met

We may have a responsibility to step in and help you. A review or reassessment of your needs may need to take place. We may have to arrange services for a period of time or support you to enable you to carry on using direct payments. If you are assisting with managing direct payments for someone, please contact the First Response Team and let them know about the change.

If the emergency plans you have in place do not work

You will have discussed a plan about what you will do if your Personal Assistant (PA) goes off sick; takes annual leave or doesn't show up for work. Sometimes the best made plans do not work. We have a responsibility to step in and assist you to meet your identified needs as discussed in your support plan.

Buying a service from an agency

We can provide you with a factsheet that explains what you should do when arranging your support from an agency. If something happens and you are not happy with the service from the agency, you must first contact them and discuss your concerns with them directly, as you are the customer. You can also contact the First Response Team about your concerns.

Employing Personal Assistants

If you employ a Personal Assistant you will become their employer. As an employer you must follow employment legislation. Your insurance provider can support you if you have concerns about the person you are employing. Please contact them or speak to your social worker or the Direct Payments Support Team.

If your Personal Assistant threatens to take you to an industrial tribunal

If this happens, please contact your insurance provider who will have a dedicated legal team who can advise you on what to do if your PA threatens to take you to an industrial tribunal. You can also contact Disability Action Haringey (DAH) and Direct Payments Support Team who can support you with this situation.

If you get into any difficulty

Mistakes happen when people are using direct payments. Please contact the First Response Team and speak to the social worker, or contact Direct Payments Support Team who will support you with this.

If you have to go into hospital or respite

Let us know if you have to go to hospital for any reason or you are due for a period of respite care. If possible, inform your Personal Assistant or arrange for someone else to do that on your behalf so the the PA is kept informed.

Contact the direct payment support team

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