Haringey safeguarding adults board

About HSAB, board terms of reference.

Haringey safeguarding adults board

The Haringey safeguarding adults board (HSAB) is a statutory body established by the Care Act 2014. It is made up of senior people from organisations that have a role in preventing the neglect and abuse of adults. 

The work of the board is driven by its vision that:

  • Haringey residents are able to live a life free from harm
  • communities have a culture that:
    • does not tolerate abuse
    • works together to prevent abuse
    • knows what to do when abuse happens

The HSAB is committed to addressing strategic safeguarding issues and share learning, including learning from good practice, poor practice, and other experiences to improve adult safeguarding in Haringey.

We are required to ensure that an effective feedback mechanism is in place, for the purpose of helping with our journey of continuous improvement and effective functioning of the local safeguarding system.

The HSAB has adopted the Pan-London Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure.

Contact the Haringey safeguarding adults board

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