Register a death: step by step

Who can register a death, how to make an appointment, what to bring to your appointment.

All deaths are referred to either :

  • a Medical Examiner – where the death was natural and expected
  • a Coroner – where the death was not natural or expected, or when an inquest (a court hearing into how a person died) is needed

The Medical Examiner or Coroner will let you know when it is ok to contact the register office to make an appointment. Deaths must be registered within 5 days of the Medical Examiner sending paperwork to a register office.

If an inquest is needed, you will not need to register the death yourself. The Coroner’s team will tell you when you can order death certificates from the register office.

Step by step navigation

  1. Who can register a death

    If someone has died, find out who can register the death.

  2. Information you need to provide

    Information and documents you'll be asked for at your appointment.

  3. Book an appointment

    How to book an appointment to register a death, what happens during the appointment.

  4. After the death is registered

    What to do after the death is registered, arranging the funeral, letting organisations know about the death and how to get bereavement support. 

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