Choose and book your conversion

You can choose to have either a standard conversion or a conversion with a ceremony.

To book an appointment to convert your civil partnership, please contact us.

You can choose to have either a:

  • standard conversion
  • a conversion with a ceremony

Standard conversion

If you are not having a conversion ceremony, then you only need to attend the Register Office once.

Both you and the partner must:

  • attend the Register Office
  • complete a declaration with details about your civil partnership

How it works

The registrar will check the required documents – if you fail to provide any of the required documents, it may not be possible to complete your conversion.

You and your partner will then sign the conversion declaration to confirm you have not dissolved your civil partnership, and that you both wish to convert your civil partnership into a marriage.

If you wish you can choose to say the declaration wording aloud to each another before signing the conversion document.

After you sign the declaration, your conversion will be registered and a new marriage certificate will be issued.

No witnesses are required at this appointment.

Conversion with a ceremony 

You can have a marriage ceremony on the same day as your conversion, or on a different day after it.

After your conversion appointment, you can have a marriage ceremony at a venue where same sex couples are able to marry. A Superintendent Registrar must be present at the venue. 

Venue options are:

  • approved premises
  • religious buildings registered as marriage venues
  • a place where a ceremony according to the usages of the Jews or the Society of Friends under Section 46 of the Marriage Act 1949 is to immediately follow the conversion

Conversion fees

It will cost:

  • £45 to convert your civil partnership (payable when you book your appointment)
  • £4 to order a marriage certificate – you can buy them on the day, or you can order additional certificates later

If you choose to have a ceremony, you will also have to pay a £27 statutory administration fee, plus venue fees.

If you or your partner are housebound or detained

If you or your partner are housebound or detained, the process will take place at the location of the housebound or detained person.

Contact customer services: Haringey Register Office

By appointment only
Office hours
Monday to Friday 9:30am to 4pm
Saturday to Sunday Closed
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