Workspaces in Haringey

A comprehensive list of local workspaces, what we do to support them and how to join our Affordable Workspace Provider Network.

Increasing the provision and quality of workspaces in Haringey is a priority within the Opportunity Haringey inclusive economy framework. To this end, we are committed to the development of new and improved workspace to support our flourishing industries and sectors.

Workspaces offer places to foster innovation, productivity and learning that support inclusive growth and help promote sustainable communities.

Workspaces, including affordable workspaces:

  • play a valuable role in supporting the local economy
  • are very popular and in demand in the business community

You can find workspaces in Haringey, including affordable workspaces, on this page.

See our Affordable Workspace Provider Network page for details on how you can join the network of those involved in the development and operation of workspace in Haringey.

Workspaces in Haringey

Find local workspaces for businesses of varying sizes and sectors.

Wood Green


Central Haringey

West Haringey  

How we support workspaces 

We aim to increase workspace in Haringey:

  • via the planning system
  • letting council property
  • providing funding
  • encouraging new workspace to come forward

Our goal is to boost the impact and quality of workspaces via:

  • the Haringey Workspace Provider Forum (which meets quarterly)
  • ad-hoc workspace improvement funding
  • connecting workspaces and their tenants/members with local stakeholders
  • business support opportunities

Please contact our business support team if you need more information on local workspaces. 

Opportunity Haringey

This initiative is part of Opportunity Haringey, our new inclusive economy plan to create a fairer and greener local economy that builds on local creativity.

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