Business rate refunds

If you are in credit on your account, and have no outstanding debts, you can ask for a refund.

Apply for a refund

If your business rate account statement shows a credit:

  • the credit will be used to reduce outstanding debt on any other business rates account(s) you have
  • if you do not have any outstanding debt you can ask for a refund of the credit using our online form

How refunds are paid

Refunds are paid directly to your bank account as this is quicker and more secure. You need to give us: 

  • your account number
  • your sort code
  • the account holder's name

We do not issue refunds by cheque.

Rating agents

If you are a rating agent acting on behalf of the business you need to give us a Letter of Authority from the ratepayer.

If a credit is due to a Rateable Value reduction for a previous financial year we will use it to reduce outstanding arrears on the account before issuing a refund.

Apply for a refund

Contact the business rates team

Our phone line is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9am to 5pm.

The above address is for written correspondence only.

We are unable to see customers in person. Our Customer Services Centres can accept copies of documents but will not be able to answer any questions about your Business Rates.

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