Contact us in person

Customer Service Centre opening hours, appointments and locations.

Haringey Customer Service Centres

We have 2 Customer Service Centres in Haringey. Click on the links below for more information and to book an appointment:

Services available


Our centres offer free use of computers which you can use to access council services online.

Why not use our computers to set up My Account, a personal and secure way to view your information and accounts, complete applications, report issues, make enquiries and much more.

Residents with no access to the internet or an electronic device

We can assist residents who do not have access to the internet or an electronic device to use our online services. We can provide application forms and order forms for parking permits and visitor permits, and we are able to help you complete these if required.

Visitor permits cannot be printed at the customer service centre, but will be sent to you in the post when forms are completed and payment has been made.

This can take 10 working days.

Parking enquiries

Visit the following pages to find out how we can help you with your parking queries:

Contact us about parking permits

Contact us about PCNs

Windrush Compensation Scheme

Please note the Customer Service Centre does not deal with Windrush Compensation Scheme enquiries. These are dealt with separately at Marcus Garvey, Wood Green and Hornsey library by appointment only.

You can book an appointment by phoning 0800 678 1925 or by sending an email to:

Planning your visit to the centre

This centres are busy on Mondays. Please try to visit between Tuesday and Friday if possible.

If you do need to visit our centre, you should aim to arrive before 3.30pm. If we are very busy and you arrive after 3.30pm we cannot guarantee you will be seen. 

If the centre is busy you will be asked to return and given an appointment - date and time to return.


Disabled users

Our Customer Service Centres are accessible and provide full facilities for disabled people.

Hearing-impaired users

Our Customer Service Centres are fitted with induction loops.

Users whose first language is not English

You should arrange for a friend or family member who can speak English to contact Customer Services on your behalf. You will need to be with them as we need your permission to speak with them about you.

Customer Service Centres

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