Paying business rates

You can pay your business rates online using a credit or debit card or by PayPal, by direct debit, by phone or using BACS.


You can pay your business rates on our secure website using a credit or debit card or by PayPal.

Make an online payment

Direct debit

If you choose to pay by direct debit you can get up to 12 months to pay your business rates rather than 10 (only available from April to March).

If you choose to pay by direct debit we also give you a choice of three payment dates - either the 1st, 15th or 25th of each month.

Once set up, your direct debit will continue yearly so you will not need to contact your bank at the beginning and end of your instalment plan.

By setting up a direct debit:

  • your bank will make payments automatically
  • you can cancel your direct debit at any time
  • you are protected by the direct debit guarantee - your bank will fully refund you if an error is made in payment of your direct debit
  • you can trust direct debit to be totally secure - so just relax and enjoy how it frees up your time

Set up direct debit now

We will send you a letter and bill to confirm it has been set up and when your first payment will be collected. The letter incudes a copy of the direct debit guarantee scheme which you should keep for your records.

Alternatively, you may also set up a direct debit by phoning us on 020 8489 1700.


Using the automated telephone payment service on 0300 456 0520 - select option 4 for Business Rates. You will be asked to quote your business rate account number (shown on the front of your bill).

BACS transfer, online and telephone banking

You can make a payment by BACS transfer using online banking, telephone banking or by setting up a standing order to pay your instalments each month.

Quote Haringey's bank account number 93236218, sort code 20-98-47, account name London Borough of Haringey and your full nine digit business rate account number (shown on the front of your bill).

Contact the business rates team

Our phone line is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9am to 5pm.

The above address is for written correspondence only.

We are unable to see customers in person. Our Customer Services Centres can accept copies of documents but will not be able to answer any questions about your Business Rates.

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