Haringey Business Growth Programme

The Business Growth Programme, delivered by industry experts YKTO (external link) and fully funded by us, provides expert consultancy support to 25 selected high-growth-potential businesses in Haringey, between April 2024 and March 2025.

Successful candidates will receive dedicated, high calibre practical support to help overcome challenges and/or seize new opportunities.

YKTO are already working with a dozen clients to:

  • create growth and marketing strategies
  • implement more effective tactics of securing more, and more profitable, customers
  • enter new markets
  • raise their financial profile
  • improve team performance

We’re now recruiting for our next client cohort – it could be you!

Given the limited number of places, competition is going to be high, so we'd warmly encourage you to visit the YKTO website for more information on eligibility and the application process (external link).

Apply nowexternal link

Page last updated:

July 17, 2024