Street trading licences

What a street licence covers, stalls at designated/traditional sites, when you don’t need a licence, trading on private land, unlicensed street trading.

When you need a street trading licence

Under the London Local Authorities Act (1990), street trading is defined as the: 

  • selling, exposing or offering for sale any goods (including a living thing) 
  • buying, or offer to buy, any ticket
  • supplying, or offering to supply, a service for gain or reward 

If you are doing any of the above in the street, or up to 7 metres from the public highway, you must have a licence. 

What a street licence covers

Street trading licences cover: 

  • market stalls 
  • food vans 
  • shop forecourts 
  • tables and chairs placed on the pavement 

Displaying goods on the pavement outside your shop

This licence allows you to display items you sell in your shop on the pavement in front of your premises. 

Tables and chairs on the pavement

This licence allows you to offer outdoor seating to customers of your café or restaurant.

It's designed so premises serving food and drink can operate safely while Covid social distancing measures are in place. 

Temporary 1 day market stall 

This licence is if you have a food cart, or similar, and want to trade at a temporary market in Haringey.

Stalls at designated/traditional sites 

Currently there are no designated stall sites available. 

When you don’t need a licence 

You don’t need a street trading licence if you trade as a peddler under licence from a police authority.

You cannot trade from any street in Haringey under this licence, but can trade door to door. 

Trading on private land 

If you are trading on private land you may not need a licence but you must contact us to find out. 

However, if you are within 7 metres of the public highway you will need a street trading licence.

Unlicensed street trading

Street trading without a licence is illegal. This includes: 

  • individuals/groups selling vehicles from the public highway (eg advertisements on a vehicle window)
  • 'non-itinerant' ice cream selling (eg an ice cream van that remains in the same location for a considerable period of time or trades from prohibited streets) – for more information, see guidance for ice cream vendors
  • 'pitching up' of a stall on a public highway without a street trading licence 

We enforce illegal street trading across Haringey and can refuse or remove licences. 

Contact the licensing team

Please note this phone number and email address are NOT for house in multiple occupation (HMO) licensing queries.

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