Premises licence and club premises certificate fees

What the fees are for and breakdown of fees by band.

What the fees are for

The following fees are for: 

  • new applications 
  • applications to vary a licence 
  • annual renewal  


The fee depends on your rateable value, which is separated into bands.

Check the rateable value and band of your premises if you’re unsure which one you're in. 

Table: Bands
  Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E
Non-domestic rateable value   £0-£4,300 £4,301-£33,000  £33,001-£87,000  £87,001-£125,000  £125,001 and over 
Table: Premises licence and club premises certificate fees
  Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E
New and vary applications (including 1st year charge)  £100 £190 £315  £450 £635
Annual charge (due on anniversary)  £70  £180 £295 £320 £350 

Premises in bands D and E

A multiplier will be applied to premises in bands D and E where they are exclusively or primarily in the business of selling alcohol (mainly large town and city centre pubs).

Table: Fees (premises licence only)
  Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E
Multiplier - - - (x2) (x3)
City/town pub application fee   - - - £900  £1,905 
City/town pub annual charge - - - £640 £1,050 

Contact the licensing team

Please note this phone number and email address are NOT for house in multiple occupation (HMO) licensing queries.

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