Alcohol, food and entertainment licences

Temporary event notice (TEN), premises licence, personal licence, club premises certificate, fees, current applications and reviews and more.

Premises licence

When you need a premises licence, how to apply, changes and variations, transfer a premises licence, notification of interest in a premises, interim authority notice.

Personal licence

Who needs a personal licence and how to apply, photo signatories and designated premises supervisor (DPS).

Club premises certificate

When you need a club premises certificate, how to apply, fees and how to apply for certificate variations.

Comment on an alcohol licence

Who can comment on an alcohol licence, guide to making a representation, ask for a review of an existing licence.


What the fees are for and breakdown of fees by band.


Being a responsible licensee, examples of licensing conditions, enforcement, statement of licensing policy, submitting a premises plan and responsible authorities.

Organise a community event

Things you need to know, TEN, events in parks, street parties and road closures, demonstrations and parades.

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