Temporary event notice (TEN)

When you need a Temporary Event Notice, eligibility criteria, how to apply and more.

When you need a Temporary Event Notice

If you wish to hold an occasional event that includes a ‘licensable activity’ on unlicensed premises, you will need a Temporary Event Notice (TEN).

Licensable activity includes:

  • selling alcohol
  • serving alcohol to members of a private club
  • providing entertainment, such as music, dancing or indoor sporting events
  • serving hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am

You’ll also need a TEN if a particular licensable activity is not included in the terms of your existing licence, for example holding a wedding reception at a community centre.

Eligibility criteria

A TEN event must:

  • have fewer than 500 people at all times – including staff running the event
  • last no more than 168 hours (7 consecutive days)

You must be at least 18 to apply for a TEN.


You can only apply for a TEN as an individual, not an organisation.

You must apply at least 10 working days before your event.

Working days do not include:

  • the day we receive your application
  • the day of the event
  • bank holidays, a Saturday or Sunday

Late TEN

You can apply for a late TEN between 5 and 9 working days before your event.

Please be aware this does not include the day you submit the notice or the day of the event.

If we receive an objection notice from either the police or environmental health to a late TEN, you will not be able to hold your event.

Last submission dates for standard Temporary Event Notices


  • St Patrick’s Day, 17 March – last submission date: 2 March 2025
  • Easter, 18 April to 21 April – last submission date: 3 April 2025
  • St George’s Day, 23 April – last submission date: 6 April 2025
  • May bank holiday, 5 May – last submission date: 20 April 2025
  • Spring bank holiday, 26 May – last submission date: 11 May 2025
  • August bank holiday, 25 August – last submission date: 10 August 2025
  • Halloween, 31 October – last submission date: 16 October 2025
  • Bonfire night, 5 November – last submission date: 21 October 2025
  • St Andrew’s Day, 30 November – last submission date: 16 November 2025
  • Christmas Eve, 24 December – last submission date: 9 December 2025
  • Christmas Day/Boxing Day, 25 and 26 December – last submission date: 10 December 2025
  • New Year’s Eve, 31 December – last submission date: 14 December 2025


  • New Year’s Day, 1 January – last submission date: 15 December 2025

Application form

Please complete the TEN application form.

If your form is returned to us by post, you must also send a copy of your application to:

  • the police licensing officer
  • planning enforcement

This must be done at least 10 days before your event.

Please see the responsible authority contacts for further information.



After you’ve applied

You will be granted the TEN as long as all criteria are met and no objections are raised.

Tacit consent will apply. This means you can act as though your TEN notice is granted if you have not heard from us after 10 working days.

If your TEN application is rejected, we will contact you.

Number of TENs granted

If you hold a personal licence

Holding a personal licence means you can have no more than 50 TENs per calendar year – 10 of these can late TENs.

If you don’t hold a personal licence

Without a personal licence you can have no more than 5 TENs per calendar year – 2 of these can be late TENs.

A single premises

TENs are also subject to maximum limits:

  • the maximum number of people attending at any one time, including staff and performers must be fewer than 500
  • the length of time an event can last is no more than 168 hours (7 consecutive days)
  • the number of times a temporary event notice may be given for any particular premises cannot exceed 15 times in a calendar year
  • the maximum total duration of the periods covered by TENs at any particular premises cannot exceed 21 days in any calendar year.
    • notes: a day means a period of 24 hours beginning at midnight and cannot be taken as any 24 hour period
    • a calendar year begins on 1 January and ends on 31 December
  • there must be a minimum of 24 hours between an event you organise and the start or finish of another TEN you organise at the same premises

The police and our environmental team may object to a TEN on the grounds of the 4 licensing objectives.

A premises licence will be required if the event meets any of these criteria.

The event is expected to:

  • attract more than 499 persons
  • last longer than 168 hours
  • use the same premises to provide licensable activities more than 15 times or 21 days per year

The 21-day limit includes part days. This means an event running from 6pm on one day until 6am the next is counted as a 2-day event.

Current list of issued TEN

Contact the licensing team

Please note this phone number and email address are NOT for house in multiple occupation (HMO) licensing queries.

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