Illegal tobacco and alcohol

Part of: Trading Standards for businesses

The trade in illegal tobacco and alcohol has serious consequences for in Haringey for:

  • health
  • crime
  • community cohesion 

Illegal tobacco and alcohol are usually cheaper than legitimate products.

Dangers of this trade

Stopping the trade of illegal tobacco and alcohol is a priority for us because:

  • illegal tobacco and alcohol can contain harmful substances and contaminants
  • counterfeit alcohol is made from industrial alcohol and substances without any control
  • lower pricing and lack of responsibility by sellers make it easier for children to smoke and drink alcohol
  • it’s linked to organised crime, nationally and internationally
  • it goes hand in hand with drugs, child exploitation, money laundering and terrorism
  • it targets poor and disadvantaged communities

We work regularly with HMRC, the police and other partners to tackle this trade. 

Illegal products that you cannot sell

Illegal products typically include:

  • duty free β€“ foreign products brought into the UK illegally and resold
  • counterfeit goods – products with fake packaging that often look like premium brands

Counterfeit products contain:

  • cheap/low quality tobacco
  • harmful substances and contaminants β€“ true for both tobacco and alcohol

Report a crime

If you want to report the sale of counterfeit or illegal tobacco in Haringey please contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline.

They will take your report and alert us. All reports are treated in confidence and you can remain anonymous if you wish.

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