Responsible Retailer scheme

Part of: Trading Standards for businesses

Our Responsible Retailer scheme aims to protect you, as a local trader, from breaking the law.

We help you by providing support and advice on important trading legislation concerning the: 

  • responsible sale of alcohol, cigarette and knives
  • consequences of selling these products to minors

There are 2 levels to the scheme:

  • Responsible Retailer
  • Responsible Retailer Plus

Responsible Retailer

As a Responsible Retailer you are committed to doing everything you can to prevent your business:

  • selling age-restricted products that could harm children
  • dealing in illegal/illicit alcohol and tobacco

We will provide you with the resources and support you need to achieve this, including:

Responsible Retailer Plus

In addition to the standard scheme, you can also join the Responsible Retailer Plus scheme.

Joining this scheme means that you care about the health and wellbeing of your customers.

This is demonstrated by:

  • agreeing not to sell some of the most harmful forms of alcohol – such as very high strength cheap beers and ciders (6.5% AVB and above)
  • carefully considering the way you and your staff display and sell alcohol

We have designed the Responsible Retailer Plus scheme to encourage traders to:

  • support efforts to make Haringey a healthier and safer place
  • adopt responsible selling practices

See the Responsible Retailers Plus (alcohol) guide

Sign up to the scheme

You can sign up to the Responsible Retailers scheme by completing the Responsible Retailer application form and sending it back to us.

Contact us if you want to join Responsible Retailer Plus.

Contact Trading Standards

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