Free early education for all 3 and 4 year olds

Act now to avoid disappointment as places are taken up quickly.


Whether you are a working parent/carer or receive additional support, your child can have a free early education place in Haringey or in the borough of your choice for up to 15 hours a week. This can be in a nursery, children’s centre, playgroup or a childminder.

You do not need to apply to us. Simply go directly to your chosen, registered childcare provider – you do not need a letter or a code for this offer.

When your child can start

Free early education starts the term after the child turns 3 years old, and continues until they start in the reception class of their primary school.

Remember to contact your chosen provider just before or as soon as your child turns 3 because you need to register in readiness for the relevant term they can start in. Places get taken up quickly.

Table: date your child can start

For children born between Funding starts from
1 September to 31 December Spring term – 1 January
1 January to 31 March Summer term – 1 April
1 April to 31 August Autumn term – 1 September

Or you can use the term start date calculator at the bottom of this page, which works out the term start date for you:

Find a provider

Our easy search helps you find Haringey’s free childcare providers. You can also choose the area and type of provider you are looking for.

Find free childcare providers

Make sure you contact your preferred provider as soon as possible to confirm and secure your place.

Help choosing a childcare provider

You may find it helpful to visit some childcare providers, to help you decide where is best for your child. Recommendations from other parents can be helpful, but remember that each child is different, and what suits someone else’s child may not be right for yours.

All registered childcare providers are inspected every few years by Ofsted, who assess how well they are doing. You can see all the reports on the Ofsted website or you can ask the childcare provider to show you their most recent report.

If you need help finding a childcare place in Haringey:

How free early education hours work


Your child’s place of up to 15 hours per week will be completely free of charge to you – all money is paid directly from us to the childcare provider where your child has a place. Childcare providers can however charge parents a refundable deposit. Providers should refund the deposit in full once your child takes up their place.

If you need more than the free 15 hours of early education offered you can buy extra hours from your childcare provider.

Your childcare provider may also charge you for additional services – for example, lunch, snacks, trips and extracurricular activities.

Early Years Pupil Premium

Your child’s childcare provider can receive extra funding through the government’s Early Years Pupil Premium.

This extra funding is to improve your child’s learning outcomes and will make a real difference. You can apply for Early Years Pupil Premium if your child is:

  • aged 3 or 4 
  • registered for the universal entitlement of 15 hours per week

If you receive benefits and your income is below £16,190 you could be eligible. View the eligibility information at GOV.UK and see if you qualify.

This payment to the childcare provider for your child will not affect any benefits you are claiming.

To apply for Early Years Pupil Premium please speak to your local childcare provider who will add your details to the Parental Agreement Form and claim the funding to support your child.

Disability Access Fund (DAF)

Your child’s early years provider could receive extra funding to help with your child's education and support through the Disability Action Fund.

This is paid directly to your chosen early years provider.

You can apply to get disability access funding if your child is aged 3 or 4 and you are receiving both:

Get extra DAF funding for your early years provider – GOV.UK

Term start date for 2 year olds

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