Choosing the right childcare Tips on choosing the right childcare to give your child the best start in life. Types of childcare The different types of childcare available, including registered and non-registered. Visiting a childcare provider How to prepare for a visit, what to look for and which questions to ask when visiting a potential childcare provider. Working with your childcare provider How to maintain a good relationship with your chosen childcare provider. Complaints about your childcare How to make a complaint about any aspect of your chosen childcare. Childcare Brokerage Service Support for parents and carers who are experiencing difficulty in finding suitable childcare. Childcare Sufficiency Assessment How we are making sure there are enough childcare places available. Family Information Services Directory Services, support and activities in Haringey and national information to help parents, carers and their families.
Choosing the right childcare Tips on choosing the right childcare to give your child the best start in life.
Types of childcare The different types of childcare available, including registered and non-registered.
Visiting a childcare provider How to prepare for a visit, what to look for and which questions to ask when visiting a potential childcare provider.
Working with your childcare provider How to maintain a good relationship with your chosen childcare provider.
Childcare Brokerage Service Support for parents and carers who are experiencing difficulty in finding suitable childcare.
Family Information Services Directory Services, support and activities in Haringey and national information to help parents, carers and their families.