We help parents with children aged 0 to 14, or up to 18 if there are special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
The Childcare Act 2006 places a duty on local authorities to make sure that there are enough childcare places within its locality.
You can read the reports below for a detailed account of our findings or view the summarised document together with the Action Plan below.
Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) reports
Annual reports
You can read the most recent annual report below.
Full 3 year CSA 2019-2021
In 2019, we carried out our full 3 year childcare sufficiency assessment which identifies the supply and demand for childcare and any gaps in childcare provision:
Main findings from the 2019-2021 CSA:
- Haringey generally has sufficient childcare, particularly for children under 5. The highest demand of childcare is for the universal free entitlement for 3-and-4-year-olds
- there is a shortage of out of school and holiday provision for school-aged children
- the cost of childcare is identified as a real barrier for Haringey’s population
- families and friends play a significant part in parents’ choice for childcare
- the number of children and young people with SEND is on an overall upward trajectory
- further training is required for childcare staff to care and support children with SEND
- in areas of housing development and regeneration there will be an increase in the demand for childcare
- the quality of childcare and early education provision is on an upward trajectory
Previous reports
Contact us if you wish to access previous CSA reports.