Working with your provider

It is important to maintain a good relationship with your chosen provider throughout your child’s time there. Here are some ways you can stay connected.

Ways to staying involved with your childcare provider

To maintain a good working relationship with your provider you can:

  • have meetings with them regularly, and ask questions
  • share information about your child, including updates on what happens at home
  • share suggestions and concerns
  • volunteer when needed – this can include:
    • helping out in the setting
    • signing up for a parental leadership role
  • join in special occasions, like trips, celebrations and holiday events
  • work together on your child’s learning plan
  • look for ways to support learning at home and at the setting – the staff should support you with this
  • check that the environment (including toys, books, displays) reflect the children and families in the setting
  • ask how they make sure that families' culture, traditions and languages are supported

You may not be able to get time off from work during the day, but drop-off and pick-up times are also good times to talk with your child’s provider. If they are not available during these times, ask about other ways you can ask about how things are going and how your child is doing. 

Visiting and participating in events at your child’s setting sends a strong message. It sends a message to your child and the setting that you care about what your child is doing and learning.

Contact childcare and early years

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