Registered childcare
Registered childcare is childcare that is registered and inspected by Ofsted. The different types of registered childcare available are listed below with an approximate age range:
- nurseries (0 to 5 years)
- childminders (0+ years)
- children's Centres (0 to 5 years)
- nursery classes within schools (3 to 4 years)
- pre-schools and playgroups (2 years 6 months to 4 years)
- out of school childcare (5 years and over) for school-aged children – this runs before school, after school or during holidays
Non-registered childcare
Not all childcare has to be registered with Ofsted. There is a second group of people who can choose whether to join the voluntary part of the childcare register if they want to be registered.
This group includes:
- people who care for children aged 8 years and over
- home-based childcare – childcare in your home provided by nannies, au pairs, baby sitters, mothers' help/aid
- other providers not currently required to register such as those who provide sports coaching, some after school clubs, etc.
- provision where parents remain onsite or in close proximity to their children such as parent-toddler groups or shoppers' crèche operating up to 4 hours each day.
One of the benefits of providers being registered is that it can reduce your childcare costs and enable you to apply for tax credits.
Contact childcare and early years
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