Education, Health Care Plans (EHCP)
Information on EHCPS and Annual Reviews.
Information on EHCPS and Annual Reviews.
SEND schools in Haringey
Term dates, admissions, free school meals, schools and colleges in Haringey, suspensions and exclusions, children missing school, fixed penalty notices, school records and school planning reports
Our services include: Independent Traveller Training programme, Personal Travel Budgets programme, Council Managed Transport Provision (CMTP)
Search our SEND directory for post-16 education and learning
Support and resources for starting school and transitioning to secondary school.
Understand how mainstream schools support children with SEND
Language and Autism Support Team, Educational Psychology Service, Portage Service for children under 5, Sensory Support Team - Vision and Hearing, Disabled Children's Team
Fixed penalty notices for missing school, school attendance and absence, illness and your child's education, part-time timetables and report children missing school.