Facilities at Stonecroft Nursery

The nursery is fully inclusive and the ground floor is wheelchair accessible.

There are 2 rooms:

  • Coconut (2 to 3 years)
  • Mixed Spice (3 to 4.5 years)

Each room has a large outside play area. 

The nursery provides a home from home atmosphere and the resources reflect our commitment to providing children with real life and natural experiences and materials.

There is a central area used for:

  • extended day
  • mealtimes
  • sleep times/rest time
  • activities such as PE, drama and dance

The nursery has developed different areas to support children’s learning such as:

  • a soft play area
  • a light exploration room
  • a sensory space
  • a discovery pod
  • a loose parts zone
  • quiet areas for both children and adults

The outside area allows children to explore freely whilst making sense of the world around them. The climbing tree encourages their risk taking and independence skills.

The front entrance has a secure entry system and an electronic register for both children and visitors.


The nursery has a qualified chef, and we cook fresh food daily.

We also have an industrial kitchen with a 5-star rating at our last food safety inspection.

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