Fees and admissions at Triangle Nursery

General information

Fees do not include all meals and refreshments.

There is a daily charge of £72.00 (0-2 year olds), £70.60 (2-3 year olds) and £52.00 (3-4 year olds).

Fees are invoiced monthly in advance and are payable by BACS, standing order or payable at your local bank.

We accept childcare vouchers issued by authorised organisations and other Government initiatives such as the 30 and 15 hours childcare offer, Tax free childcare, Universal credits, Childcare element of Tax Credit, and Care to Learn which supports students with childcare costs.

A period of 6 weeks notice is required to make any changes to attendance or withdraw any child from the nursery.


The figures below do not reflect meals and snacks. 

Child 1

  Under 2 2 year olds 3/4 year olds
Weekly rate (no entitlement) £360.00 £353.00 £260.00
Daily rate (no entitlement - must have a minimum of 2 days per week) £72.00 £70.60 £52.00
Daily rate with 15 hour entitlement (minimum 2 days a week) £36.00 £35.30 £26.00
Daily rate with 30 hour entitlement (minimum 4 days a week) n/a n/a £52.00

Child 2

There is a 25% discount for the second child (sibling discount). However the discount does not apply if your child is eligible for Early Years 15 or 30 hours’ free entitlement. Please enquire for more details.


To register for a nursery place you must complete an application form - either online:

Apply for a nursery place online

Or by downloading the following PDF and sending it back:


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