Specialist programme: Circle of Security

Circle of Security is an evidence-based, relationship-focused parenting programme. It helps parents and caregivers understand and respond to their children’s emotional needs to build secure attachments.

The programme teaches the principles of attachment theory through a structured yet flexible approach, encouraging caregivers to observe and interpret their children’s behaviour and emotion.

By learning to recognise to recognise these cues, parents can provide a supportive environment that fosters children’s:

  • confidence
  • resilience
  • social growth
  • emotional growth

Programme details

  • Length of programme: 8 weeks – each session is 1 hour
  • Age range: for parents with children aged 0 to 5 years
  • Crèche available: No
  • Refreshments provided

Upcoming sessions

How to book onto the programme

You can download and complete the form:

The completed form must be sent to parentingprogramme@haringey.gov.uk