Haringey Youth Justice data

According to our data analysis which incorporates data from the latest assessment completed, the 2023/24 caseload:

  • 90% were male
  • 55% were black/black UK ethnic group which was disproportionately high when compared to the 2021 census population
  • the average age was 16 years
  • 59% had mental health concerns
  • 44% had speech and language concerns
  • 59% had substance misuse concerns
  • 17% had physical health concerns
  • 38% had a high risk of safety and wellbeing
  • 16% had a high risk of serious harm to others
  • 29% had a high risk of re-offending
  • 29% were not in full-time education, training or employment. 

We use this information to inform our interventions, approaches and commissioning to improve outcomes for young people and children.

Contact us if you have any questions or need more information.

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