Young People at Risk Strategy 2019 to 2029

The strategy

We have made a strong commitment to protect and support vulnerable young people from violence, abuse and exploitation in our Young People at Risk Strategy.

Most of Haringey’s young people grow up free from fearing or experiencing violence, happy and supported by communities and families who help them thrive.

However, serious youth violence has devastating consequences for too many young people in Haringey.

The Young People at Risk Strategy is our 10-year plan to address the complex root causes of this issue.

It adopts a public health approach, with public sector agencies, voluntary sector groups, communities, and young people themselves working collectively to reduce young people’s vulnerabilities and build their resilience.

Five outcomes

This strategy focuses on achieving 5 outcomes, based on a comprehensive analysis of the factors that can keep young people safe or increase their vulnerability to involvement in violent crime:

  1. Safe communities with positive things for young people to do, where there are strong role models and trust in institutions.
  2. Supportive and positive family environments, with low levels of family stress, good parenting; and young people able to develop strong, healthy relationships with peers and trusted adults.
  3. Confident, happy and resilient young people able to cope with negative experiences, setbacks, and stress.
  4. Young people thriving in school, with positive aspirations for the future and access to employment and training opportunities to get there.
  5. Young people protected from exploitation and from experience of serious youth violence.

We will regularly review and refresh our priorities and action plan in order to ensure that we address emerging trends and continue to meet the needs of Haringey’s young people. In doing so, we will take every opportunity to engage with and involve young people and communities.

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