On this page you will find information on:
- breastfeeding support
- responsive bottle feeding
- help to buy food and milk
- free vitamins
- introducing solid food
- oral health

Haringey supports breastfeeding mothers/parents/families. You're very welcome to breastfeed in all:
- schools
- nurseries
- health centres
- children’s centres
The law protects your right to breastfeed in public spaces.
Breastfeeding sessions at our family hubs
Breastfeeding sessions at Triangle Family Hub – every Tuesday, 10am to 11.30am
Breastfeeding sessions at Muswell Hill Family Hub – every Wednesday, 12pm to 2.30pm
Breastfeeding peer support
We provide breastfeeding peer support (mothers supporting other mothers) in the community, with:
- free baby feeding drop-ins
- face to face and online appointments
- home visits
The breastfeeding peer supporters also visit new families on hospital wards. If you have shared your phone number with your hospital you will be contacted shortly after giving birth. This service is provided by Haringey's Breastfeeding Peer Support Service, part of the Breastfeeding Network.
All Haringey families are welcome. You will be supported in your feeding choice.
See how to arrange support on the Breastfeeding Network website.
If you prefer, you can email haringeysupport@breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk
Haringey's Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme
Our new Haringey's Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme aims to reassure parents that we support their right to breastfeed in public. It also provides a list of all breastfeeding-friendly venues that have signed up to the scheme.
Find out more on our Haringey's Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme page.
Breastfeeding support sessions in Spanish
Online support group for Spanish-speaking families in London. If you are interested in joining, email haringey.spanish@breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk
Sesiones de apoyo a la lactancia materna
Grupo de apoyo en línea para familias de habla hispana. Si está interesado, envíe un correo electrónico a haringey.spanish@breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk
Breastfeeding support and helplines
- National Breastfeeding Helpline
- National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
- Breastfeeding support line for Bengali/Sylheti speakers
- Breastfeeding Friend from Start for Life – a digital tool you can use on Amazon Alexa or Facebook Messenger
- Search for breastfeeding support services near you
Breastfeeding advice
- Learn how to breastfeed and get support with breastfeeding – NHS website
- Breastfeeding resources on the UNICEF website
- Videos in multiple languages on the Global Health Media website
Haringey Family Information Service Directory
Search the Family Information Service Directory for organisations that offer breastfeeding support. You can look for:
Breastfeeding videos
UNICEF video: Breastfeeding and relationship building
NHS video: How do I know if my baby is properly latched?
Responsive bottle feeding
Your health visitor can offer support and guidance with safe and responsive bottle feeding.
Read more on infant feeding and relationship building on the Whittington Health NHS Trust website.
Help to buy food and milk
Find out how to get help to buy food and milk through the NHS Healthy Start card.
Free vitamins
Find out how to get vitamins for free.
Introducing solid food
Find information on giving your child their first solid food:
- Introducing solid foods or weaning (UNICEF) – information on introducing babies to solid food from around 6 months
- Feeding your child when they're over 12 months (NHS Start For Life)
- First Steps Nutrition Trust – an independent charity that has impartial information about infant milks, as well as advice about eating well for parents and children
- The Eatwell Guide (NHS) – guidance about having a healthy, balanced diet

Oral health
Good oral health is important for physical and emotional wellbeing.
Start brushing your baby's teeth as soon as the first milk tooth breaks through. This is usually at around 6 months, but it can be earlier or later.