My child might be Autistic

Guidance if you think your child may be Autistic.

Who to speak to first

Who to speak to first if you think your child may be autistic.

If your child is in nursery, school, or college

Discuss your concerns with school staff who will be able to start the referral process. If your child is attending an educational setting, you can also discuss your concerns with your GP, but input from the school will still be needed.

For children under five and at home

If your child is under five and at home, talk to your health visitor or GP. 

For children under 12

GPs and school staff can refer them to The Whittington Health Trust to begin the assessment process. 

For children 12 to 17.5

GPs and school staff can refer them to The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust to begin the assessment process. 

For young people 17.5 and older

GPs can refer them to the Neuro Developmental Disorders: Adult Autism Diagnostic service at North London NHS Foundation Trust.

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