Proposed borough wide Public Spaces Protection Order consultation

Consultation on our proposals for a Haringey borough wide public spaces protection order.

Proposed borough wide Public Spaces Protection Order consultation

This consultation closed on Friday 2 August 2024. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey.

The consultation results will be posted when they are available.

What we consulted on

Details of the consultation.

Public Spaces Protection Orders

A public spaces protection order (PSPO) is used to control behaviour that is either having or is likely to have, a harmful effect on a local community’s quality of life.

A PSPO puts conditions or restrictions on an area which apply to everyone. It can be enforced by the police, council enforcement officers or any other authorised officers.

Fines of £100 can be issued to anyone who breaches a PSPO. If the fine is not paid, we can take further action with a maximum fine of £1,000.

A PSPO helps to make public areas safe from anti-social behaviour (ASB) so they can be enjoyed by everyone.

PSPOs can be in force for 3 years from the date they are implemented. Any extensions, changes to the PSPO area or additional restrictions will require further consultation.

Current PSPOs in Haringey

A borough-wide PSPO is currently in operation for dog control, to tackle dog fouling and problematic dog behaviour.

We also have 11 Alcohol Control PSPOs for areas falling within specific wards.

Read more about the current Haringey PSPOs:

All existing PSPOs in Haringey will end on 30 April 2025, presenting an opportunity for the council to consider introducing new PSPOs.

What we are proposing

We have utilised the use of PSPOs to tackle behaviours such as poor dog control and street drinking since 2017.

An initial co-design consultation with residents and other stakeholders took place during January 2024.

The PSPO co-design project hosted workshops and an online survey to find out your priorities for PSPOs. This collaborative effort built on local intelligence gathered by our team and aligns with statutory requirements.

The overwhelming feedback from the co-design process is:

  • the support for a borough wide PSPO to tackle issues of displacement
  • to consider addressing a wider range of behaviours that negatively impacts residents’ quality of life

We collated the online survey and workshop outputs along with a data-led evidence base to create recommendations for a borough wide PSPO proposal.

This new proposed order will allow us to impose restrictions and conditions across the whole of Haringey. You can read more about these in the draft order, our frequently asked questions (FAQs) document and other supporting documents.

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