Pay by phone

Part of: Make a payment

Automated Telephone Payment line (ATP)

Make payments to the council using our automated telephone payments service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Call 0300 4560520 followed by then select the payment you want to make:

  • Press 1 to pay Council Tax
  • Press 2 to pay Parking Penalty Charge Notice
  • Press 3 to pay Housing Rent
  • Press 4 to pay Business Rates
  • Press 5 to pay Housing Benefit Overpayment
  • Press 7 to pay Haringey or Homes for Haringey Invoices (this is for all invoices beginning with the numbers '18' or '115' - including Leasehold Service, Allotment and Community Care charges as well as Commercial Rent invoices)
  • Press 8 to pay Haringey or Homes for Haringey Reminders

Call charges

Calls to 0300 numbers are charged at the same rate as a normal landline number.

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