Understanding your Council Tax bill

Part of: What Council Tax is, bands and bills

You can view your bill in My Account.

Every year in March we send out your yearly household Council Tax bill. Your bill details:

  • who is living in the property
  • the charge for the year 
  • any discounts, reductions or exemptions you will receive
  • your instalment dates and amounts 
  • any outstanding payments you may owe us for previous years

Watch our understanding your Council Tax video:

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You can see a sample council tax bill with an explanation of each section below:

Balance brought forward

Your Council Tax bill will show a balance brought forward if our records show that there was any unpaid Council Tax at the end of the last financial year (31 March 2024).  

Your annual bill shows the method of payment area at the bottom. It is not included in your current year instalments and needs to be paid separately.

If you are unable to pay the amount in full right away, contact us to agree a payment plan. If you have made payments since the bill was issued, you do not need to contact us.

If you are sent a new bill for the current financial year (2024/25) after 1 April 2024, any credit or amount outstanding which is not covered by a liability order from the previous year will show in the charge details section of the bill as Balance Brought Forward. It is included in the amount you must pay and your instalments for the year. 

Charge details

This section details the different discounts or premiums that may be shown on your bill.

25% reduction for single occupier

Our records show that only one adult lives in the property. If this is no longer the case, please tell us about a change in your household.

Council Tax Reduction

Your Council Tax has been reduced as you are on a low income. If your circumstances have changed during the year it may show on your bill as a Council Tax Reduction adjustment.

A benefit statement will be sent to you showing how your Council Tax Reduction has been worked out if the amount you get changes.

PCLC unoccupied

This means our records show your property is empty and unfurnished. You do not receive a discount for this but please tell us about a change in your household to let us know if you have moved into the property.

Any Council Tax Reduction that you receive is reassessed each time we are notified about a change in your income or circumstances or changes of a person who lives with you as part of your household.

PCLB0 unoccupied

This means our records show that your property is substantially furnished and unoccupied or it has no permanent resident. There is a 100% premium applied to these properties. Further information can be found on our empty properties and second homes page.

Long term empty premium

Our records show your property has been empty and unfurnished for more than 2 years:

  •  a premium of 100% of the full Council Tax due for the property has been added to your bill if it has been empty between 2 and 5 years 
  •  a premium of 200% of the full Council Tax due for the property has been added to your bill if it has been empty for 5 years or more
  •  a premium of 300% of the full Council Tax due for the property has been added to your bill if it has been empty for 10 years or more

If you have moved into the property, please tell us about a change in your household to tell us the date you moved in.

Exempt: exemption type

There are various types of exemption for example 'Occupied by students'

This means that there is nothing to pay at the time the bill is issued. If we know that your circumstances are due to change during the year, for example, if you are in full time education and your course ends in July, your annual bill will show you have nothing to pay.

A revised bill will be sent shortly before the exemption is due to end letting you know how much you owe for the remainder of the financial year. If your circumstances have changed, please tell us about a change in your household.

25% discount: discount type

There are various types of discount for example 'Severely Mentally Impaired'.

Our records show that only one adult is the property is counted for Council Tax purposes – the others are 'disregarded' for the reason shown. If there are two 25% discounts, it means that all adults in the household are not counted and you receive a 50% discount. If your circumstances have changed, please tell us about a change in your household.

Disabled band reduction

A reduction has been applied to your account to reduce the amount you must pay to that of a band lower than your property because a member of the household needs additional room as a result of their disability. For example, if your property is in band D you have been charged the band C rate. If this person no longer lives in the property, please tell us about a change in your household.

Payments received as at date of issue

This is the total amount you have paid since 1 April 2024. You can check the payments you have made using My Account.

Summons costs or liability order

If a summons or liability order has been obtained against you during the financial year, additional costs are due. This allows us to take further action to collect what you owe. Our summons and liability order page has more information about what this means and the action you should take.

Method of payment

If this shows that your Council Tax is paid by Direct Debit, you do not need to take any further action. Your Council Tax will be requested from your bank account each month on the date shown. 

You can set up a Direct Debit on our Direct Debit page.

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