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Friday Fibre Feast – craft group

A drop-in knitting, crochet and textile craft group. Bring along your project and craft together with like minded people of all ages.

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Crafty chat

People who would like to connect with other creatives in warm and welcoming space. Materials provided.

Free event.  Termtime only.

Haringey Family Hubs logo

Kung Fu at Triangle Family Hub

Kung Fu classes for children and their families.

Call Mr Roberts on 07860 607 928 to book your place.

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Dr Bike at Lordship Rec

This event is aimed at anyone who owns a bike and would like their bike serviced for free!

Meet at Lordship Rec, next to the hub.

Parents and children smiling

Park Lane Children's Centre activities

Park Lane Children's Centre offers a variety of activities for parents and carers with children aged 0 to 4 years old.

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Wellbeing walks – Chestnuts Park (Mondays)

This is a circular walk of approximately 30 to 45 minutes around Chestnuts Park. Meet inside Chestnuts Community Centre (foyer), 280 St Ann’s