Asthma Friendly Schools

About asthma

Asthma is the most common long-term medical condition in children.

It affects 1 in 11 children, which equates to 3 children in every UK classroom.

Asthma has significant impacts on a child’s health, well-being, and learning.

It can lead to emergency hospital admissions, and absences from school.

Asthma Friendly Schools

The Asthma Friendly Schools (AFS) programme is aimed at improving asthma recognition  and management within schools. This helps schools to support children in managing their asthma, prevent school absences, and reduce the chance of a child's death attributable to asthma.

To be certified as asthma friendly, each school must have:

  • An up-to-date asthma policy
  • A register of pupils with asthma
  • Routine and emergency inhaler/spacer kits
  • Named Asthma Lead (must be a member of the Senior Leadership Team) and Asthma Champion
  • A minimum of 85% of staff trained in asthma management

All schools taking part will be audited by the School Health Service.

Improving asthma management within schools in this way has many benefits, including:

  • Improved attendance
  • Improved academic achievement
  • Improved participation in physical activity
  • Reduced medical complications related to asthma.

Read more information about the Asthma Friendly Schools programme.

Asthma friendly schools training

Haringey Public Health Team host termly training days for Asthma Leads and Champions. The upcoming date for the 2024/25 academic year is Thursday 1 May 2025.

There will be a morning session (9.30-11.30am in person at Wood Green) and an afternoon session (3.30-5.30pm via Microsoft Teams).

To sign up for Asthma Friendly Schools training, please fill in our expression of interest form.

Sign up now

Alternatively, contact your school nurse or email

Accreditation process (updated 2025)

  1. Allocate an Asthma Lead and an Asthma Champion for your school. The Asthma Lead should be part of your school's senior leadership team.
  2. The Asthma Lead and Asthma Champion attend Asthma Friendly Schools training.
  3. Training of all school staff (at least 85%) – schools can choose from one of the following options:
    1. Asthma Lead and Champion deliver training to school staff
    2. School staff complete online e-learning: Tier 1 – Supporting Children and Young People’s Health: Improving Asthma Care Together. E-certificates must be obtained and stored.
    3. Attend a monthly Asthma and Anaphylaxis Training session delivered by Haringey School Nursing. Contact your school nurse or email for upcoming dates and to sign up.
  4. Complete the audit form (your school nurse can help with this). 
  5. Achieve accreditation and receive your certificate. Your school is now an Asthma Friendly School. 
  6. Review audit every 2 years to maintain your status.

If you would like to become an Asthma Friendly School, please contact your school nurse or

Asthma friendly tick

Resources for schools

Letter templates

Asthma action plans

Resources for parents and carers

Asthma information and advice

How to use spacers

For your child

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