Planning Advice Service

We have launched a new planning advice portal. You will have to register to use this service.

Advice before you apply | general enquiries

Our website provides a range of information about common projects, conservation area maps, or is affected by other issues such as Article 4 areas. 

If you require further guidance, you can use our planning advice service.   

We will soon begin charging for written responses to general enquiries.

Where required, an appointment is made within 10 working days of your request. After your meeting, we will provide you with written advice for meetings within 20 working days (excluding our express services).

See the information below to find out more about our service or to book an appointment.

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Planning advice service for householders

We provide the following services for householders:

Table: advice service for householders


Current Cost

General Enquiries£100 (VAT inclusive)

Planning advice for householders

Our Householder advice service can offer:

  • Background research on your property
  • A face-to-face meeting (online)
  • A written record of the advice you have received

You can make an appointment for this service via the planning advice request form.

There is no free drop-in planning advice service.

£480 (VAT inclusive)

Express Written Planning Advice for householders
For when you need advice quickly and do not require a meeting.
£300 (VAT inclusive)
Householder with basement£844 (VAT inclusive)
Out of Office visits
If you wish for us to deliver the advice service at the site in question, Planning officers can arrange this for an additional charge.
Above fee +£230 (VAT inclusive)

Building Control Pre Application advice:

For Building Control planning advice please contact Building Control directly either on 0208 489 5504 or or via the link below:


Before attending their meeting, customers should provide a site plan to identify your property. Site plans are available to purchase from the Planning Portal website (external link). Simply mark a red line around your property, including around individual buildings, and any additional ‘curtilage’ spaces like gardens. 

In addition, if you have drawn up any plans you wish to show us, or have photos or rough sketches for your proposal, it will be helpful to attach these items. We will however be able to provide advice without this information.

If you wish to book a planning advice service meeting, please register, log in and fill in our online form with details about your proposal and an email address and phone number so we can contact you:

Request for planning advice

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Planning advice service for residential developers

 If you are planning on building new homes or converting your property into flats, our planning advice service can help you. The planning advice service offers:

  • background research from planning officers about your site and proposals, including specialist advice from conservation officers, design officers, and special advice on the Community Infrastructure Levy and our Affordable Housing Liability policies
  • meetings with the relevant specialist officers present
  • written advice and feedback

Table: advice service costs for residential developers

ServiceCurrent cost
1 new residential unit£1,200 (VAT inclusive)
Flat conversion 2-3 units / provision of an HMO£918.06 (VAT inclusive)
Minors, 2-5 new residential units£1,857.24 (VAT inclusive)
Minors, 6-9 residential units£2,762.88 (VAT inclusive)
Majors, 10-24 residential units£7,198.80 (VAT inclusive)
Majors, 25-50 residential units£9,977.04 (VAT inclusive)
Majors 50 residential units and above£12,600 (VAT inclusive)
Basement advice fee for a minor application£844.21 (VAT inclusive) plus above fee

Before attending their meeting, customers must provide the following:

  • 1:1250 site location plan
  • Drawings of the proposal
  • Photographs of the site and surroundings
  • Draft Design and Access statement
  • Any other relevant attachments.

All of these attachments can be added through the webform below.

If you wish to book a planning advice service meeting, please register, log in and fill in our online form with details about your proposal and an email address and phone number so we can contact you:

Request for planning advice

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Planning advice service for developers of commercial spaces

 If you are planning on building new employment spaces, our planning advice service can help you. The planning advice service offers:

  • Background research from planning officers about your site and proposals, including specialist advice from conservation officers, design officers, and special advice on the Community Infrastructure Levy .
  • Meetings with the relevant specialist officers present.
  • Written advice and feedback.

Table: advice service costs for developers of commercial spaces

ServiceCurrent cost
Small scale commercial development no increase in floorspace -change of use, shopfronts, plant/machinery, adverts£480 (VAT inclusive)
Minor commercial applications up to 499 sqm£1,857.24 (VAT inclusive)
Minors (Category 4) 500-999sqm commercial floorspace£2,762.88 (VAT inclusive)
Majors (Category 3) 1000-1999sqm commercial floorspace£7,198.80 (VAT inclusive)
Majors (Category 2) 2000-9999sqm commercial floorspace£9,977.04 (VAT inclusive)
Majors (Category 1) 10,000 or more commercial floorspace£10,172.40 (VAT inclusive)
Planning Performance Agreement (PPA)£11,972.40 initial meeting (VAT inclusive)

Bespoke price after first meeting

Before attending their meeting, customers must provide the following:

  • 1:1250 site location plan
  • Drawings of the proposal
  • Photographs of site and surroundings
  • Draft Design and Access Statement
  • Any other relevant attachments.

All of these attachments can be added through the webform below.

If you wish to book a planning advice service meeting, please register, log in and fill in our online form with details about your proposal and an email address and phone number so we can contact you:

Request for planning advice

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Fast-track services

If you urgently require a decision in advance of the usual 8-week time frames, we offer a fast-track service for Householder and Certificate of Lawfulness Applications.

On submission, your application will be allocated to a dedicated case officer who will make a decision within 6 weeks for a Householder Application and 5 working days for a certificate of lawfulness (subject to all relevant information having been provided on submission) and an acceptable proposal.

Table: fast-track services

ServiceCurrent costs
Fast-track Prior Approval larger house extensions£321 (VAT inclusive)
Fast-track Householder Application (plus statutory fee)£600 (VAT inclusive)
Fast-track Lawful Development Certificate Application (plus statutory fee)£730.92 (VAT inclusive)
Fast-track Non-material amendment£570 (VAT inclusive)
Fast-track Minor Applications (plus statutory fee)Starting from £800 (VAT inclusive)

First, submit your application through the Planning Portal then register, log in and fill in our online form with the planning portal reference number so we can divert your application to our fast-track process:

Request for planning advice

If you require a faster decision on any other type of application this can often be facilitated through a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA).

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Other planning advice and charges

Table: other planning advice costs

ServiceCurrent cost
Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs)
Our PPA service can offer a bespoke service which can provide specialist support and expertise relevant to your proposal. The cost of the service is calculated on the basis of hourly rates of the officers and experts who provide the advice
Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) for discharge of ConditionsStarting at £1,000 per condition
Amendment / variation to S106 agreement£1,787 (VAT inclusive)
Telecommunications development£480 (VAT inclusive)
Discharge of condition or NMA- Householder development£480 (VAT inclusive)
Discharge of condition or NMA- minor development£720 (VAT inclusive)
Mixed use developments in any category will be a combination of the above fees 
Quality Review Panel, Formal review
For clients seeking feedback from a range of design experts about their proposal. Please note that this service is not available unless the client attends a pre-application advice meeting first.
£6,288 (VAT inclusive) including room hire
Quality Review Panel, Chairs review
For clients seeking feedback from the Chair of the Quality Review Panel for design advice on their proposal. Please note that this service is not available unless the client attends a planning advice meeting first
£3,588 (VAT inclusive) including room hire
Senior Manager Time
For clients seeking support and advice from the Head of Development Management, Robbie McNaugher.
Please note this is subject to availability and at our discretion, and usually only suitable for 'major' proposals for residential developments and commercial spaces
£235 per hour (VAT inclusive)
Assistant Director Time
For clients seeking additional advice and support from the Assistant Director for Planning, Building Standards & Sustainability.
Please note this is subject to availability and at our discretion, and usually only suitable for 'major' proposals for residential developments and commercial spaces
£326 per hour (VAT inclusive)

Area Team Managers and Specialist Urban Design or Heritage Advice

For clients requiring specific urban design or conservation advice (i.e. for works to Listed Buildings or in conservation areas, and for tall or landmark buildings)

£235 per hour (VAT inclusive)
DM Planning Forum£1,795.86 (VAT inclusive)
Pre-application Committee Meeting£2,026.10 (VAT inclusive)
Administrative charge for withdrawn applications following pre-validation assessment£128.40 (VAT inclusive)
Basement Impact Assessment Review3rd party charge
Sustainability Statement Review£204.66 per hour (VAT inclusive)

If you wish to book a planning advice service meeting, please register, log in and fill in our online form with details about your proposal and an email address and phone number so we can contact you:

Request for planning advice

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Refund Policy

Please note, if a customer cancels a meeting, it is likely that a major portion of the fee will not be refunded, due to the need to cover the costs of carrying out background research and other preparatory work ahead of the meeting. However, we will try to accommodate requests to rearrange the meeting.

If the meeting is cancelled by the Planning service, an alternative time for the meeting will be offered. If the alternative is not acceptable to the customer, the fee will be refunded in full.

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Disclosing information on planning discussions

The council does not automatically publicise details of planning advice discussions with potential developers until a planning application has been submitted. At application stage the planning advice report will be placed on the case file on the website.

Any applicant that wants to withhold the planning advice report from publication will need to provide justification taking account of the fact that under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 the council is obliged to release information in the public interest unless exemptions apply. The exemptions only relate to commercially sensitive and confidential information. It is therefore important that you bring to the council's attention at the outset in writing, any information which you consider may, if disclosed, prejudice your commercial interests or which you consider would breach confidentiality. You should also set out the reasons why and for what period you consider the information falls into these categories. It is then for the council to decide whether it believes the information falls into these exempt categories.

It is also possible that the council will receive requests for disclosure of planning advice reports prior to submission of an application and these will be dealt with on a case by case basis. As set out above disclosure will only be withheld if exemptions, such as commercially sensitive or confidential information, apply. We may also treat as exempt from disclosure information which, if disclosed, may prejudice the effective conduct of public affairs. This can be particularly relevant at the outset of major applications where a lot of exploratory discussion takes place. If the disclosure of this exploratory information was likely to prejudice the process of leading to a proper determination of the subsequent planning application, then it may not be disclosed.

Apart from these exemptions any other recorded information resulting from these planning advice discussions are very likely to be disclosed if requested.

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Other sources of Planning advice

If you are not sure that the Planning advice service is the right service for you, you can find a range of information and advice about common proposals, from our Advice for Common Projects section.

Alternatively, you can seek planning advice from a range of other providers, such as local architects, or Planning Aid (external link).

The Environment Agency can provide planning advice on matters such as flood risk details are set out in their advice note (PDF, 354KB).

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Attached files

PAPA_request_form_2015PDF 256.95 KB

Page last updated:

July 2, 2024