Fire risk assessments

How we assess fire risks, check assessment results.


A fire risk assessment (FRA) is similar to an MOT for a car. It reviews fire safety issues in a building and provides a snapshot of findings at the time of inspection. The fire assessment will generate an action with timescales for issues to be addressed. These may be addressed in the short to medium term and/or be long-term investment activities. 

A fire risk assessment looks at the safety and integrity of exit routes, the structural measures in place to stop or slow down the spread of a fire and whether there is anything inside the building that could start, accelerate or spread a fire.

How we deliver fire risk assessments

As a landlord we are required by law, to carry out fire risk assessments on our stock. We have a dedicated internal fire safety team that deliver the fire risk assessment programme. The frequency of fire risk assessments depends on the type of building and the level of risk that the assessor places upon it.

A fire risk assessment is one of many tools for managing fire safety.

Whilst fire risk assessments provide an overview of any potential fire safety issues in a building at a moment in time, they are only one of several tools that we use to manage fire safety. Our staff also carry out regular inspections reporting repairs, unauthorised storage and dealing with antisocial behaviour.

Report a fire risk or concern

Residents must report any concerns about these issues. Contact us if you need to report any fire risks.

Check your risk assessment results

We manage over 1600 FRAs. If you would like to find out when an assessment was last carried out on your block/property, complete our online form:

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