Have your say on Haringey Homes

Developing in partnership

We believe it is important that new housing in Haringey is developed in partnership with the neighbouring community so that it reflects the needs and aspirations of residents, community groups, businesses and ward councillors.

Before submitting a formal planning application and building new homes, we seek the views of the community through local consultation and engagement.

Please see our housing engagement page for more information about project updates and how you can get involved.

Haringey Council believes that it is important that our new homes are delivered in partnership with residents. Where new housing proposals may have an impact on secure tenants’ recognised amenities, it is our statutory duty to carry out Section 105 (of the Housing Act 1985) consultations. We publish reports on the consultations before any planning application is submitted.

View Section 105 (of the 1985 Housing Act) consultations.

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