Street cleaning

Street sweeping, give feedback on street cleaning.

Street sweeping and cleaning

We partner with Veolia to clean streets and collect rubbish in Haringey.

Street sweeping

Haringey is divided into 6 ‘villages’ for street sweeping. Residential roads are swept once a week, between Monday and Friday.

View the full sweeping schedule on Veolia's website

A Veolia manager is responsible for each village. These managers oversee the teams who clean the streets.

This approach helps the teams address specific issues in each village and build relationships with councillors and residents.


Find out how to report dumped rubbish or fly-tipping.


Find out how we grit streets and pavements in winter.

Blood on the road

If there's blood on a road that needs to be cleaned up, contact Veolia Haringey.


If you have any questions or comments about street cleaning, contact Veolia Haringey.

Contact Veolia (environmental team)

Out of hours
Office hours
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday to Sunday Closed

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