Report a dog poo problem

Part of: Street cleaning

It's against the law to let a dog poo in a public place and not try to clean up after it. If you're caught, you might get a fixed penalty fine. Find out about fixed penalty fines.

If there's an area where dog poo is a problem, you can report it to us. 

Tell us when and where the problem happens. You do not have to give the address of the dog’s owner, unless you know they’ve been reported before. 

You can either report a dog poo problem: 

  • directly to us through Love Clean Streets
  • by contacting Veolia Haringey

We aim to get dog poo removed within 24 hours of when a report is received.

Find out about controlling dogs in public

Check the rules about controlling dogs in public.

Report a problem through Love Clean Streets

My Account report

Log in or register for an account. You will get updates on the reported issue. When the issue is fixed, it shows as resolved on Love Clean Streets.

Report through My Account

Anonymous report

No need for an account. If you report anonymously you will not get any updates.

Report anonymously

Mobile phone app  

Contact Veolia (environmental team)

Out of hours
Office hours
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday to Sunday Closed

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