Level 2 Award in Introduction to Counselling Skills (CPCAB)

Course Details

What is this course about?

This short accredited course is an introduction to basic counselling (listening and responding and effective communication) skills in helping roles. Learning these skills will help you improve your professional and personal relationships. You can use these skills in a wide range of contexts and roles. When you have successfully completed the course, you will receive a CPCAB (Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body) Level 2 Award.

Are there any entry requirements?

You do not need any previous training or experience in helping others, but you will be assessed and interviewed for suitability before you can enrol. You are required to have a good standard of English equivalent to GCSE level in order to verbalise and write about your personal experiences and to be computer literate. You need to be able to cope emotionally with the course content, be willing to develop and change, motivated to support others, and aware of differences and diversity.

Do I need to have an interview before I can enrol?

Yes. You will have an assessment and an interview and depending on the results of your assessment and interview you can enrol on the course. If the course is not suitable for you, the tutor may help you decide on an alternative course of study.

How will I be taught?

There will be classroom sessions for input, group discussions and other activities like role plays and group work. Some resources will be accessible online in the Digital Teams for Education classroom.

What feedback will I get?

You receive regular oral and written feedback from your tutor and students in your class throughout the course.

How will I be able to give my views on the course?

We welcome your feedback as it is monitored and helps us improve our courses. There are a number of opportunities for you to give your views at enrolment, during the course and at the end of your course. You may also complete SFA & OFSTED surveys.

What course can I do next?

Your tutor will have and end-of-course tutorial with you before you can continue to study CPCAB's Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills.

Additional information

Your attendance, punctuality and coursework completion are keys to your learning and progression on this course. The CPCAB verifies your portfolio of evidence.

Who is this course for?

You must be be aged 19 or older by the 31st of August 2024 and would like to develop listening and communication skills with a view to developing these skills in their personal lives or as an initial step towards becoming a counsellor or coach.

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