Leisure centre changes

Leisure centres in Haringey are now directly managed by Haringey Council.

What has changed

Haringey is excited to have brought our leisure facilities at Park Road Leisure Centre and Lido, Tottenham Green Leisure Centre and Broadwater Farm Community Centre back under direct council control (as of 1 October 2024). 

Following the transfer, these centres are no longer being managed by Fusion Lifestyle and will form part of our new Active Wellbeing programme. You can access your new online services using the links below:

Website and mobile app bookings

The new leisure centre websites and app are now available and provide all the essential information you will need to know about what’s on at the centres. You’ll find all the updated information here.

You will need to download the new Haringey Active Wellbeing App available in the App store and Google Play. You will need to re-register for your account and will be able to start booking activities once you have done this.


You can find the timetables for activities at our centres by visiting our bookings system, selecting a centre and then selecting an activity.

Investment in your leisure centres – repairs and improvements

See the repairs and improvements page for the full details of the works we are making to improve your leisure centres.

Repairs and improvements page

What's staying the same

We want to minimise any changes immediately after the handover, so there will be as little disruption for you as possible.

All opening hours and current bookings have remained the same.

Membership benefits and pricing

The membership benefits and the price that you paid to Fusion is unchanged at the point of transfer on the 1 October.

If you have a Park Road Gym and Swim membership then this will operate exactly as it did before. If you have a membership that covered all three of Fusion’s Haringey centres, then this will also remain the same.

At the point of transfer, you will not be able to access the facilities at New River Leisure Centre.

We are planning to review all membership categories and concessions schemes during the period up to Christmas 2024 with a view to implementing any changes between January and March 2025.

Membership cards

The Council will be promoting the leisure centres and its external leisure activities under its new ’Active Wellbeing’ brand. You will start to see this appear on the new signage, uniforms and membership cards. Although you will still be able to use your existing Fusion membership after the Council takes back the leisure centres, we do intend to replace your existing membership card with a new Active Wellbeing Membership Card.

New cards will be available to collect from reception later in October 2024.

Activities and classes

Classes and programmes will be unchanged when the council takes over in October 2024. Once we have completed consultations with the community we will look to make improvements to programmes and equipment.

We will continue to operate the same class timetable following the transfer of services. In most cases, you will be taught by the same teacher or instructor. 

Swimming lessons will continue at the same time and day and with your usual teacher. We will be moving to the Learn2 portal where you can continue to track your progress and achievements.  

Event bookings and venue hire

You can continue to book birthday parties with Fusion as normal. Bookings made for after 7 October will automatically be transferred to Haringey Council.

Help us improve our leisure centres

We will be holding engagement sessions with the community to understand what your priorities are for the services.

Register for sessions  

Visit our page on Commonplace for the latest leisure centre updates

Job opportunities at our leisure centres

We welcome applications from local residents as we start to recruit for the new service. We will advertise all job opportunities on the Haringey Jobs website.

As a priority, we are recruiting new lifeguards.

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