Leisure centre repairs and improvements
Updates on the repairs and improvements we are making to your leisure centres.
Investment in your leisure centres
Regular users of the leisure centres will know that we are inheriting a backlog of maintenance and repairs at the sites. We are starting a significant package of improvement works:
- deep cleaning in every area of the buildings and cleaning the exterior areas of the buildings and car parks
- providing new cleaning equipment so that a higher standard of cleanliness can be achieved
- starting a range of repairs in the changing rooms and toilets
- replacing all the computer and audio-visual equipment within the buildings
- new signage, including new digital information systems to keep you better informed
- new water coolers throughout the buildings
- removing old and broken equipment to make space for some interim new equipment in the gyms, studios and pools
- repairing and repainting ceilings
- starting repairs on lighting, air handling and the pool plant
Alongside this, we ran a more extensive first-phase programme of repairs and maintenance up to December 2024. A second phase will run from February through to May 2025.
We plan to invest over £3.6m in the next 12 months to improve the facilities and buildings. This is part of our commitment to ensure that we have clean, safe and well-maintained facilities to support your Active Wellbeing.
Read more about the leisure centre changes.
Completed repairs and improvements
Works are taking place across the leisure sites to ensure they are clean, safe and well-maintained. The following items have been actioned since the leisure service transferred back under council control. Further works are planned, and we will regularly post updates here.
Tottenham Green Leisure Centre
Capital works being carried out by Capstan Ltd up to 24 January 2025:
- phase 1 works completed
Repairs being carried out by our facilities team up to 24 January 2025:
- reinstated swimming pools after unexpected closure
- new toilet roll dispensers in male ground floor toilet
- repairs to the staff room door
- installed new shower heads and mixer valves in changing rooms
- new glass pane installed in entrance sliding door
- started work on lighting in the teaching pool area
- numerous routine minor reactive repairs, raised by leisure centre staff, as 'business as usual': 24 jobs have been completed since 10 January
Tottenham Green previously completed works
- female changing room is now open
- ongoing installation of several new hair dryers
- improved lighting in first-floor gym area
- reinstated automatic entrance doors
- essential repairs to ground floor toilets
- replaced wall light in the health suite
- stopped a leak in the area outside Studio 4
- fire compartmentation works
- internal fire door repairs
- serviced the ventilation in the female changing rooms
- reinstated shower heads in the female and male westside changing rooms
- replaced broken soap dispensers with new
- attended to a flood in the sports hall
- installed noticeboards on the ground floor
- installed temporary heating at the nursery
- disabled toilet on the ground floor put back into service
- adjusted the poolside clock and it now shows the correct time
- access provided to the site team so they can adjust studio temperatures for users
- installed plant room hoist
- a number of changing room showers have been brought back into service
- reinstated lights in the schools' changing room
- automatic doors on the ground floor are now operational
- completion of drainage surveys, which will inform the works required to improve the drainage system on site
- additional roof repairs completed
- main passenger lift put back into service
- building Management System serviced
- HVAC system serviced and is now working optimally throughout the site
- defibrillator installed in the reception
- main roof repairs completed
- gutters repaired and eight bags of debris removed
- aluminium roof edge jet washed to remove dirt and debris
- reception and main public corridor redecorated
- reception floor tiles repaired
- external fire doors repaired
- external fire escape cleaned, repaired and painted
- survey of all internal fire doors completed
- fire compartmentation survey undertaken and works programmed
- 80 damaged suspended ceiling tiles replaced throughout the building
- main drains jetwashed
- multiple light fittings repaired across the building
- multiple doors repaired across the building
- manhole repaired and recovered in the sports hall corridor
- hole in wall repaired in the male dryside changing room
- an issue with reception heating resolved
- slope railing repaired in communal changing rooms
- 5 out-of-service toilets brought back into use
- electrical diffusers cleaned throughout site
- power reinstated and additional electrical sockets installed in the café
- 7 hand dryers repaired
- all soap dispensers replaced throughout the site
- all toilet roll dispensers replaced throughout the site
- locks replaced on all external doors
- defibrillators installed
- multiple broken mixer taps replaced in toilets
- heating and ventilation system serviced
Park Road Leisure Centre
Capital works being carried out by Capstan Ltd up to 24 January 2025:
- phase 1 works completed
Repairs being carried out by our facilities team up to 24 January 2025:
- isolated a leak in the steam room
- repairs made to the sauna room door
- repaired and repainted the wall to both male and female changing rooms
- toilet repairs to female ground floor toilets
- toilet repairs to male wet side changing rooms
- numerous routine minor reactive repairs, raised by leisure centre staff, as 'business as usual': 24 jobs have been completed since 10 January
Park Road previously completed works
- installed emergency alarm for the Lido lifeguards
- attended to a couple of out of hours call outs that included:
- a major flooding
- reinstating of the gas supply
- installation of a new booster pump for the Lido
- repairs carried out in dry side female shower area
- fire compartmentation works
- internal fire door repairs
- upgrade of existing boilers to maintain optimal temperatures throughout the site
- key provided for access to Lido disabled toilet
- repairs/descaling to Lido showers
- installed new hair dryers in changing rooms
- a new lido alarm system has been installed
- repairs to the downstairs disabled toilet
- first-floor female dryside toilet locks replaced
- external car park lighting timer adjusted for the end of daylight saving time
- disabled lift brought back into service
- anti-climbing paint applied to prevent unauthorised access to the roof
- perimeter fencing repaired, to stop unauthorised access to the site
- Building Management System serviced
- ventilation plant serviced
- decorations to public-facing areas
- main roof repairs completed
- gutters cleared of debris
- external brickwork repairs to the roof and main pool wall completed
- reception floor tiles repaired
- main drains jetted
- paving repairs around the perimeter of the lido pool completed
- rooftop solar panels survey completed and works programmed
- multiple damaged suspended ceiling tiles replaced throughout the site
- multiple doors repaired throughout site, including the main pool and gymnasium
- multiple light fittings repaired throughout the site, including the changing rooms and gymnasium
- heating and ventilation system serviced
- broken electrical sockets repaired in the gymnasium
- faulty hand dryers repaired
- multiple toilets repaired and brought back into service
- broken taps replaced in disabled toilet
- lift brought back into service
- showers descaled throughout the site
- leak repaired and water reinstated to disabled toilet
- locks replaced on all external doors
- all soap dispensers replaced throughout the site
- all toilet roll dispensers replaced throughout the site
Broadwater Farm Community Centre
Capital works being carried out up to 24 January 2025:
- the capital works project is currently being tendered
Repairs being carried out by our facilities team up to 24 January 2025:
- repaired the ACO drain at the front door entrance to address a trip hazard
- numerous routine minor reactive repairs, raised by leisure centre staff, as 'business as usual': 6 jobs have been completed since 10 January
Broadwater Farm previously completed works
- replacement taps for ground floor kitchen
- replaced female WC toilet seats
- internal folding doors repaired
- heating restored and new heating pumps ordered
- repairs to gym door maglock
- repairs to leaking pipes in male toilets
- 3 boilers repaired and brought back into service
- defibrillator installed in first floor main office
- fire door repaired in the sports hall
- locks replaced on all external doors
- all soap dispensers replaced throughout the site
- all toilet roll holders replaced throughout the site
Other forthcoming improvements
In addition to tackling the backlog of repairs and improving the cleaning of the facilities, we will be making some further key investments such as:
- staffing – we will inherit low staffing numbers from Fusion and therefore will be recruiting a significant number of additional staff which will address the shortage in lifeguards and front of house staffing
- gym equipment – before January 2025, we will be looking to top up the range of gym equipment on offer as a prelude to a full refurbishment of the gyms in 2025. We will be working with gym users and staff to get the right mix of equipment for the new gyms
- group exercise – we will be renewing all the sound systems in the studios and refreshing the equipment and expanding the range of classes on offer
- energy management – we will be making investments in pool covers, more solar power and other energy reduction measures to reduce our carbon footprint and save money on our energy bills
- user involvement – we will be introducing several opportunities for all centre users and specific user groups to meet with the centre management and feedback on how the centres are being run and could be further developed